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Smartphone + VR glasses: an excellent experience

Today recommended to be a "smart phone VR glasses", this was originally Google France Paris, two engineers David Coates and Damien Henry's creativity.

Google has a wellknown "20% of the time" requirement, allowing engineers to come up with a day of working time every week, you can engage in their own extracurricular projects, it sounds is not very envious of it? They use Google "20% time" requirement, spent 6 months to create this experimental project, intended to turn the smart phone into a virtual reality prototype equipment - cheap 3D glasses, that is, smart phone VR glasses prototype.

VR virtual reality technology in the past two years has also been a breakthrough in progress, many people are very interested in this technology, the introduction of a large perspective! New coated glass lenses to create a different smart phone VR glasses!

3D is more shocking! Leather eye more comfortable! Support direct viewing of 600 degrees myopia, 600 degrees above the direct use of wearable glasses, support 4.0-6.33 inch screen phone, massive 3D movies let you see it

Immersive gaming experience, European and American professional game development team, boutique VR games, high-definition quality, experience the real world of the game, so you instantly into the game world of hail of bullets and wonderful panorama.

Smartphone VR glasses have data cable headphone jack, both sides of the data line headphone jack, bring headphones and experience shock to stimulate the 3D world.

Smartphone VR glasses comes with game handles. A powerful performance, domineering attribute VR CASE enough, for the game and students, not only support VR helmet games, but also support mobile online games and mobile phone standalone game. Comfortable feel, enjoy the fun of the key game, but also free to control the music anytime, anywhere time.

Extraordinary experience, smart phone VR glasses to achieve the best experience cannot be separated from a good VR glasses, a high-definition smart phone is essential, with a smart phone VR glasses can give you not the same excellent experience.

Publish on 10/25/2017 by yechao, 478 hits.