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smart home,a sense of happiness

Always thought the future of life is like the Daemon’s pocket, the impossible becomes possible, the magical inventions seen, open brain, stylish design, people feel inexplicable intelligent future away from us not far away.

Smart lamps, not traditional lamps, but a smart device, with computing power and network connectivity, through the application, the function can continue to expand. The core function of smart lights is to control, light effects, creation, sharing, light and music interaction, light to enhance health and happiness.

Intelligent sweeping robot, it has LDS sensor, can map generation, you can route planning. It can breakpoint recharge, automatic retraction; it sucks suction, 10mm sweep along the wall. It is super clever and super powerful.

Smart cup, now the smart cup in the fighter, full the sense of science and technology in the future. One of the features it has is that it automatically detects what the liquid you poured into the cup is. For example, you poured a can of beer, it will tell you, and this is Beer. It will also remind you that it is time to drink water,when you are immersed in the work and forget to drink.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands, if you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. Feel their magic now! This is because create products need the user needs: easy to use. But also enhance your sense of happiness.

Publish on 11/23/2017 by yechao, 401 hits.